Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Censored Quotes, uncensored!

I was doing my usual hacking, AKA, going through garbage when I stumbled upon a couple of juicy quotes that were cut out of every edition of "The Yale Book of Quotations" by Joseph Epstein and Fred R. Shapiro. I think they are some interesting quotes from great leaders, but I'll let you decide:

"When you point that gun at me, just remember, there are three fingers pointing back at yourself." Martin Luther King Jr.

"During World War 2 and the holocaust, about 72 million people were killed. That's makes the odds pretty good that Hitler ended up killing the next 'Hitler.' Makes you think!" Winston Churchill

"I'm not going to stop groping nurses until I see god!" Albert Einstein (his famous last words recently translated.)

Yeah, there aren't that many, but now you know!
Mark D



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