Thursday, March 01, 2007

Startling Research on Repeat Drug Use

Many people know that using Ecstasy more than 4 times permanently alters your brain chemistry, but until recently it wasn’t known what those effects are. A new study from Cambrij University revealed the extent to the brain damage with various chemicals.

Using Marijuana:

Marijuana actually fills in voids in sparse talentless creations, such as music and movies!

4X Cheech and Chong Movies will appear hilarious.
6X Sublime will sound good
8X The Big Lebowsky will be your favorite movie
16X The Grateful Dead Bear will be your best friend
32X Your G.E.D. will be the equivalent of a high school diploma.
64X Bob Marley will seem pretty deep man. No woman don’t cry!


Ecstasy affects your visual and aural contacts in the following ways:

1X Glow sticks!
2X XTC will no longer sound Like Ecstasy
4X You’ll spell Ecstasy like: Exstacy.
8X You’ll break up with Stacy


It is well know that cocaine boosts ones self-confidence, but that can have it’s downside too.

1X Jaguars are awesome
2X A blowjob in your Jag will be amazing.
4X Doing blow off the hooker’s back while getting a BJ in your Jag will RULE!
8X My jag cut through that guard rail like butter and can now fly!
16X Ah, I’m being attacked by a Jaguar! Not the car, but the angry cat!


Sure it is very common and legal, but Alcohol has significant effect upon your brain’s chemistry as well.

4X A cigarette sounds pretty good
16X You’ll drool thinking about the delicious taste of Whisky
128X You’ll find it very interesting and delicious that your wine reminds you of Oak!
256X Crystal Meth sounds like a good idea.

Crystal Meth:

A very serious drug that has terrible consequences.

1X Happy Happy
10X Your brain will invert the number of years you have physically aged, so while to others you’ll appear 16, to others you look 64.


1X I love crack
4X I’m a ghost
5X Rip Taylor is so F’in Funny!


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