Thursday, March 15, 2007

The 5 People You Meet in HELL

Stop being so optimistic! You think you’re going to heaven? You're never going one person in heaven, let alone five. So let's be realistic and think about some of the many folks you'll meet in HELL!

1. Mother Theresa - Yep. Sure, she took care of the poor and all that, but you didn't know about her lack of honoring her father and mother. They wanted her to be a homemaker. Bummer!
2. Satan – His favorite torture is to show you pictures of the five people you would have met in heaven or read from any Mitch Albom book, Torture!
3. Paris Hilton – minus her sex organs and charm!
4. Robin Williams – In full Patch Adams mode. Apocalypse Now!
5. A guy who likes to high-five all the time - One of his favorite things to high-five for is the fact that he just got you to high-five him. High-five! Like a spazzy version of Sisyphus!

--[Notably not present...Hitler. Ask anyone who would be a shoe in for a hell bound dude, and they'd say Hitler. Well, he's not there. Between the moment he pulled the trigger and when the bullet hit his brain, he genuinely repented! He was a quick thinker. Crazy huh?!]


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